Sovereignty Seminar Nov. 7 2009

This full-length seminar covers legal definitions, due process, The Constitution, judicial power, law, equity, and much, much more. Get an in-depth perspective on the three separate powers and how to conceptualize their importance in the courtroom. Learn to see through and rebut presumptions that officers and agents will use against you.

This seminar provides a breakdown of Zeke’s perspective on maintaining personal sovereignty at all times, from interactions with police on the street to facing attorneys and judges in court.

A must-see for anyone new to exercising their judicial power!

Old Price: $50.00

Price: $35.00

You save: $15.00

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How It Started DVD

Zeke weaves in lessons about personal sovereignty and judicial power while touching on the history of his experiences in learning about courtroom procedures.

Other topics include: due process, dealing with presumptions, identifying insufficiency of complaints, in propria persona, driving vs. traveling, rights, The Constitution, and more…

This DVD is offers a valuable perspective on obtaining control of your courtroom experience.

Old Price: $50.00

Price: $35.00

You save: $15.00

Shipping: $0.00

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Law & Equity

This DVD contains two informational sessions with Zeke.

In Approaches, Zeke explains different aspects of courtroom procedure, how corporate words like driving, manufacturing, possession, or dollar are used to impose presumptions on people in court, and how having a deeper understanding of the process and the words is necessary for obtaining a satisfying remedy.

In Law & Equity, Zeke breaks down court into two distinct divisions, law courts and equity courts. Topics include: Understanding law jurisdiction, understanding equity jurisdiction, clean hands doctrine, administrative remedy, civil vs. criminal complaints, and exercising your judicial power.

This DVD is a very good basis for gaining a better understanding of Zeke’s E-Book “The Equitable Remedy.

Old Price: $50.00

Price: $35.00

You save: $15.00

Shipping: $0.00

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