Package 1

I have 2 packages available. Package 1 includes the 2 ebooks, An Equitable Remedy and The Patriot’s Silver Bullet, with the descriptions listed below.

The cost is $35.00 for the 2 which is a $95.00 savings.  Includes a 1/2 hr. telephone consultation which is an additional $35.00 bonus! (Appointments made under Contact Tab above)

Package 2

This one line is “Check Mate” for the judge.  If you convince the judge to make this decision, he will most likely make it properly.  It is the only issue he is personally responsible for and it requires no discretion on his part.  If he makes the wrong decision, it will be overturned on appeal as plain error.  Some judges may make you go all the way because they know that 97 percent of the people cannot pull this off.

You can now order “Checkmate” from Power Politics for only $100.00 or 5 ounces of silver, an over a 65% discount and includes everything listed below valued at more than $300.00.

Ebook #1:  You get my ebook “An Equitable Remedy”, which is the discussion of a Separate Civil Action with an Injunction and Temporary Restraining Order.  $65.00 dollar value.

Ebook #2: You get my ebook, “ The Patriot’s Silver Bullet” , which is the only other option to entering a plea, known as a demurrer.  $65.00 dollar value.

Ebook #3: You get my ebook, “Legal Advice From A Layman”, describing various legal perspectives and steps taken to gain understanding and strategy.  $65.00 dollar value.  This ebook contains “Check Mate” towards the end of the ebook.

Ebook #4:  You get my ebook, “An Introduction to Constitutional Remedy”, which give a general overview of who the government is and how the constitution is to be used or the perspective of the role played by individuals in a Constitutional government.  $65.00 dollar value.

Bonus #1:  You get “Administrative Agencies and the Law”, a 26 page PDF by Roscoe Pound, which will explain what is going on in the courts, based upon the laws created in the 1940’s.  $65.00 dollar value.

Bonus #2:  You get the 6 page DMV 1984 Bulletin issued to all law enforcement agencies and investigative Services Personal regarding American Freeman Association, aka We The People, aka Roger Sherman Society, aka Constitutional Patriots Association, aka Natural Expressed Free Individual et al.  Plus my 7 page response with Right to Travel citations.  $20.00 dollar value.

Bonus #3:  A Caveat Against Injustice – An Inquiry into the Evils of a Fluctuating Medium of Exchange, by Roger Sherman. This is one of the best essays ever written on the nature of our currency.  A must read for anyone concerned about the Constitution and our country.

Bonus #4:  1 hr. free telephone consultation valued at $70.00! (Appointments made under Contact Tab above).

Different Packages