Power Politics

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Streaming Sessions – Exhaustion of Administrative Remedy

Zeke explains the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedy! The idea that we have to try and settle things with our adversaries before we resort to court.
This session can also be viewed on [Youtube](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWgpnpScSBE) and [Ustream](http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2314184).

Attorneys Are Liars

I know most people know this to be true, I just have to remind everyone that not only is it true, it is a *very dangerous* fact. It is dangerous because many who want to learn to defend their rights, will inevitably go to an attorney for advice. The attorney will **lie** about any issue of law.
The day before court, my friend Shawn (not her real name) got a hold of her public defender on the phone. She was asking the attorney what he was going to do for her and when he kept telling her she didn’t have a chance to win, she asked if he was going to quit. He said no….

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