Power Politics

Your #1 Source For Protecting Freedom

Is Anyone Practicing?

A guy I new 30 years ago came into my office yesterday and wanted to hear my views on “medical marijuana”. When I told him that “medical” means “commercial” and is regulated by congress, he nodded and said that is what he thought.

He said he had read both of my books on the website and that he thought they were “brilliant”, and that if I had written them myself, then that was very impressive to him. I told him that if he understood what I wrote, then that would put him into a level or group that very few people are in.

Then he stated a fact that I knew, but it still sent chills down my back and again revealed to me that there are VERY FEW people who are going to understand what freedom and liberty are, and that even fewer people are going to be able to take THE personal action that is necessary to defend one’s freedom and liberty.

He said, “Zeke, I’ve read them each more than three times and I find that I ‘get it’, and then after a day or two of being back in the ‘zombie’ world, and listening to the public media, I fall back into the ‘brainwash’ thinking.”

This reminded me of my own experience of having knowledge of the truth about the Constitution and Common Law, and seeing how the system doesn’t do what it is supposed to do. I new I was brainwashed, but it took me about 6 years to really overthrow the “status quo” concepts that I was brainwashed with from early childhood.

I am a rebel. I have an extremely strong mind and have studied the history of this country, the Constitution, and the Common Law. I have asked many “leaders” and people that are oriented towards “patriots”, but NO ONE seems to actually grasp or understand these principals that were founded by the framers of our country. I didn’t make up any of the points, just put them in a reasonable and logical format to make it easy to comprehend.

So, when my friend asked how many people “get it”, I told him “NO ONE!”

“What about your friends?” he asked, do they get it? I finally had to tell him, If you really want to get this stuff, you have to practice! Is anyone practicing? Anyone scared to go to court? Anyone have any time for this? Isn’t it easier to get an attorney?

For those who have been waiting, we are just about ready to open “the store” part of our website where we will have various past seminars that I have done over the years. We should have some great deals and a lot of knowledge available. Keep watching for this. Keep practicing.

Which Way?

If you are looking past the rallies, voting, and rhetoric, you’ll find that the basic right that is guaranteed by the Constitution and the Common Law is “Due Process”.  It’s pointed out in the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution.  Due process means notice and a fair hearing.  It makes sense that if you don’t get noticed and/or you are not getting “heard” in a fair manner, then it should be obvious you got no chance in h*ll at getting a just result.

A just result is what the framers wanted each of us to get every time we went to the government for an injury, injustice, or a wrong.  SO WHAT WENT WRONG?

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Finally Available

For many years people have been asking where they can learn more about my concepts of the Constitution.  I am happy to say for the first time that you can now read about the fundamentals of equity right here on this website.  The two pdf’s, “An introduction to Constitutional Remedy” and “An Equitable Remedy”  that are featured on the front page are available for free, but if you are really wanting to understand the concepts, you will have to work your mind to a point that you will feel like you paid for it. These articles are not for simply perusing and amusing, they will take re-reading and studying to grasp the concepts of the remedy. I’m looking forward to relevant questions from those who are more than just observers of this powerful jurisdiction called Equity.

Comment below or send me an email to zeke at powerpolitics dot com.

Who Has Rights?

Constitutional rights are not civil rights. Constitutional rights are tried, heard, and defended at the “agency” or administrative level.

Civil rights violations are filed in a judicial court and not in the administrative court. The facts that constitute a “rights” violation must be determined at the administrative level before any court of law may take jurisdiction. There must be a set of facts that are sufficient to constitute a violation of one’s rights and the agent’s supervisor or commissioner must agree that those facts occurred or failed to occur before a case can be heard or continued in a Judicial Court.

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The government will lie to you. Government agents will lie to you.

This is said not to just call them liars, it’s to make you aware that they are out to mislead you and that they do not have your best interest in mind.

If you feel government has anything to offer; jobs, healthcare, or any good or service that will benefit you, then you do not understand what I mean when I say that they are liars.

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Understanding the Relationship

Hi Everyone,

We are testing a new newsletter program and I’m going to be writing a little more often as it appears that people are having great difficulties due to the lack of information readily available.

For example: Joe Stack, who flew a plane into the IRS building in Texas. He just didn’t have the knowledge of how to deal with his “relationship” with the IRS.

Whenever two parties have a dispute, they are in a relationship. The legal system sets the rules of the relationship so that disputes or issues can be resolved in a “fair and just” manner. This is known as “due process” and applies both broadly and specifically as to each individual case.

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Streaming Sessions – 14th Amendment

What does the 14 Amendment really mean for the states and for the individual?
This session can also be viewed on [Youtube](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqpSffJsEBw) and [Ustream](http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2579179).

Streaming Sessions – Citizenship

Zeke gives an overview of how the 14th Amendment did and didn’t change the status of states, corporations, and individuals.
This session can also be viewed on [Youtube](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Pfa-3K36I8) and [Ustream](http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2528712).

Streaming Sessions – Confidence & Inner Game

Zeke talks about inner game and why this is important for people who want to protect their right to free action.
This session can also be viewed on [Youtube](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LI06nZwS1OU) and [Ustream](http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2528647).

Streaming Sessions – Three Angles

Zeke reveals the three angles we need to cover to maneuver in and around the court system.
This session can also be viewed on [Youtube](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH93oJUI11c) and [Ustream](http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2346330).