Liberty Dollar Update II

As mentioned in the previous Liberty Dollar Update, the U.S Attorney alleged that I did not have “standing” to challenge the Seizure of the property. In the Order denying my motion, the Magistrate pointed out that I did claim an interest in the property, however he noticed that I did not say that I expected a privacy right at the location where the Warrants were served. I still haven’t figured out why he would interject a “privacy right” where no right was needed or available. He denied the motion with prejudice, which means no trying again on that, and he commented that he didn’t like my use of such “harsh words” when I gave my “opinion” of the officers investigation.

Although it appears that I have been precluded from proceeding in this particular matter and the Magistrate advises me to pay close attention to the Forfeiture and Criminal cases, I still have a few options that I believe may give a remedy. I’ll be working on this for the next couple weeks and will keep everyone posted with the results. It not over yet!