What makes the Constitution so powerful?

The Constitution at article III, identifies the Court where the Judicial power is vested. The whole separation of power is the amazing core of the document that again, gives each *INDIVIDUAL* the power equal to the other branches of government “, ie, the Legislative, the the Executive and their *AGENCIES*.
The law of agency creates the court in fact when the agent meets the third party. This means that when someone approaches another claiming to represent a third party, if the third party does not agree with the agents allegations, then a “Court” has arisen. The issue shall be adjudicated by the Constitutional requirements ONLY IN THE CASES WHERE THE THIRD PARTY KNOWS HOW TO PROCEED BY THE CONSTITUTION, other wise, the “court” will proceed by state or federal law.
What you may not know is the reason the agents always go by federal and state laws. It’s because they have *NO IDEA* how the Constitution works.
Now to adjudicate the Constitution, we have *ADMINISTRATIVE* law. Where the agency gives a hearing, and grants a remedy by privilege not right…. although it’s almost mandated or can be that the privilege be granted…. if it is in fact a right.
The Exhaustion doctrine requires the administrative remedy be exhausted before a court of law will take jurisdiction. The Administrative Court is a Court in Equity, although administered within the framework of the Constitution.
I look at Commercial Law or Roman Style as the law that rules over the earth. This style dominated until the Constitution was adopted as the “supreme law of the land”. The Constitution gave the Judicial Power, or Third Branch, jurisdiction over ALL CASES LAW AND EQUITY.