Back in Action

It’s a few days after returning from the Campaign for Liberty in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and I’m still very excited and charged up. A few people said they got to watch the convention on C-SPAN, which covered the whole evening except the last singer, Sarah Evens.
ron_paul_rally.jpgThe first morning we were there, we went to the bookstore, in a mall, where Ron Paul was signing his book The Revolution: A Manifesto. There was over a thousand people all supporting Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty. It was extremely exciting and we met lots of people from all over that were just as excited as we were.

That night we went to the Rally for the Republic and listened to a number of bands, specifically Amy Allen with her Ron Paul Revolution song. It starts out, “WAKE UP”. It’s a great song that grows on you. Ron Paul arrived at about 10:00pm and gave a great speech that encouraged us all to continue spreading the word about Freedom and Liberty.
The next day, Tuesday, we headed down town to the Target Center, but stopped into a nearby brewery for a quick bite to eat. The food was good and then we headed to the stadium. Most of the day we listened to different speakers talk about the Constitution and the course that Ron Paul is taking in preparing some of the candidates for their run for office this November, and beyond.
Overall, we had a great trip, a few interesting challenges, but we took those in stride and came back with all our faculties and some extra energy to continue with the message of Liberty and Freedom.
We will be giving our report of the trip on Wednesday, September 17, Constitution Day, at 7:00 p.m. in Durham. Check Chico’s Ron Paul Meetup for more details.
P.S. Here is Ron Paul’s Report:
Monday, September 8, 2008
Dear friends,
What a thrilling week we’ve just had – three days of wonderful events, culminating in the great Rally for the Republic on September 2, which C-SPAN2 covered in its entirety. Americans got to hear more truth in our one day in Minneapolis than in decades’ worth of standard political conventions.
I hope you were as impressed with the speakers and the performances as I was. The day reaffirmed for me that the movement on behalf of our philosophy is blessed with brains, talent, and verve.
If you missed it, we’ll be making the whole thing available soon. In the meantime, you can watch whatever speakers you’d like to see right here.
Now it’s time to turn to the hard work of the Campaign for Liberty. We have our work cut out for us. Our economic woes are being foolishly blamed on the free market. The federal government is taking over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as those of us with any sense feared it would. We face the looming prospect of still more wars: with Iran, Russia, and now Pakistan.
We need to inject some sanity into these debates.
Right now, though, I wish simply to thank you for all your sacrifices and hard work. Just when I think I cannot be any more amazed by your commitment to our ideas, you go and surprise me again. I deeply appreciate your devotion to our cause.
Remember one of the most important things our presidential campaign proved: there are millions of us out there. If 1.2 million Americans voted for our ideas in a Republican primary, think of how many more there must be.
We are not alone. We know that now. And when it comes to energy, creativity, and enthusiasm, our side wins hands down. I know these will be our secret weapons as we keep up the fight in these dark times to restore our republic, and to see peace and prosperity transformed from a campaign slogan into a way of life.
Please, recruit one more person to the Campaign for Liberty today.
With my deepest gratitude,
Ron Paul