It's All About Court

The reason why it is so important to understand what a court is, is because the judicial power is exercised in the One Supreme Court! This court is the Article III Court of the U.S. Constitution, and can be called to order at any time by the Chief Justice.
Blacks Law dictionary defines a court as, “The person and suit of the sovereign; the place the sovereign sojourns with his regal retinue, wherever that may be”.
This means that each one of us (the sovereign) has the Power to exercise the court, in fact, wherever we are. This Power (judicial power) is exercised in the court for the protection of a right. The fundamental purpose of government and its creation is to protect the individual’s right to freedom.

In order to fully grasp these theories of how the government and the constitution work, one must first consider themselves in the position of the Chief Justice of the Article III Court, because the people are the government and this is the only role we can play in government unless we are a congressman, the president or vice president.
As the Chief Justice, one must possess what we call “political sovereignty”. Political means pertaining or relating to the policy or administration of government, state or national. Sovereignty means supreme political authority; paramount control of the constitution and frame of government and its administration.
This situation puts the responsibility on each individual to exercise or demand their constitutional rights or remain silent and be controlled by the other two powers of the Constitution. Remember, the powers are separate and equal.
In order to balance the power, one must act, or take action.
By exercising the judicial power, we are challenging the other two branches, to follow the constitution and act pursuant to the judicial power. In the cases of DMV and IRS, they represent Executive Power in the Constitution, even though they are not constitutional agencies. When the sovereign objects to the exercise of the agencies use of Executive Power upon his rights guaranteed by the constitution, it balances the powers of the Constitution and shows that the individual has rights and is free to exercise them.
Your mission, should you except it, is to go out and be sovereign. Balance the powers of the constitution by standing up for your rights against the unconstitutional agencies and actions of their agents.